Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Spanish Names for Cuts of Meat

Wow! Buying meat was so confusing because I could not tell what cuts of meat were what here except for lomo fino which is filet mignon.
I found this list at and I wanted to include here.
If there is anyone out there who is stumped at the market when buying meat

Guide to Cortes de Carne de Vaca* in Spanish and English
Aguja - Chuck Roast
Asado - Short Ribs, Roast Prime Rib
Bife Ancho - Prime Rib, Rib Eye Roast, Rib Eye Steaks
Bife Angosto - Porterhouse or Strip Steak
Bife a la Rueda - Round Steak
Bife de Alcatra - Sirloin Steak
Bife de Costilla (con lomo) -T-Bone Steaks
Bife de Chorizo  - Sirloin Rump Steaks
Bife de Vacio - Flank Steak
Bola de Lomo - Sirloin Tip
Carnaza - Stew Beef
Carne Picada Comun -  Ground Beef with Fat
Carne Picada Especial - Ground Beef with out Fat
Chinchulin - Lower Intestines
Chorizo -  Sausage
Churrasco de Paleta - Pot Roast
Cogote - Neck 
Colita de Cuadril - Rump Steak
Corazon - Heart
Costillas - Rib Roast
Cuadrada - Bottom Round
Cuadril - Rump Roast or Rump Steak
Entrana - Skirt Steak
Falda - Flank Steak
Higado - Liver
Lengua - Tongue
Lomo - Tenderloin
Marucha - Short Ribs
Matambre - Flank Steak
Milanesa - Minute Steak
Mollejas - Sweetbreads
Morcilla - Blood Sausage
Nalga - Beef Round for Stew
Osobuso - Osso Busco
Paleta (see also Churrasco de Paleta) - Pot Roast
Palomita - Shoulder Roast in Butterfly Cut
Peceto - Beef Round Steaks, Roast Eye of Round
Pecho - Brisket
Rabo - Oxtail
Rinones - Kidneys
Ros Bif - Roast Beef
Sesos - Brains
Tapa de Asado - Rib Cap Roast
Tira de Asado - Short Ribs
Tapa de Nalga - Cap of Round Roast
Tapa de Cuadril - Cap of Rump Roast
Tripa Gorda - Tripe
Ubre - Udder
Vacio (see also Bife de Vacio) - Flank Steak
Choosing the Right Cut of Beef
It's important to choose the right cut of beef for the type of cooking you plan to do.  I found an excellent website that gives the recommended cooking style for the cut of beef. It's completely in Spanish, but it's a nice outline.
You can also use the following as a quick reference for typical cuts and typical cooking styles:
Best Choices for:
Asado: Asado, Bife de Lomo or Lomo, Bife de Chorizo, Vacio
Milanesas: Milanesa de Bola de Lomo, Milanesa de Lomo, Milanesa de Nalga

Roasting: Colita de Cuadril, Corazon de Cuadril, Lomo, Peceto
Steaks: Bife Angosto, Bife de Chorizo, Bife de Lomo
Stews: Bola de Lomo, Nalga, Rosbif, Tortugita
Stir Frys: Churrasco de Cuadril


  1. Thank you. I am in NY and I also having a hard time to find the "peruvian" cuts here. The last time I used stew meat for guiso de carne and it took me hours..jajaj it was not the correct cut.

  2. Thank you for this! I'm going to be cooking all our meals on an upcoming trip to Lima and this will be very useful.

  3. Just want to say thanks for posting this back in 2009. I recently arrived in Lima and will be here for two years. While I have been working out some of the cuts of meat this is by far the best interpretation I have seen. You just made my steak life so much happier.

  4. Hola! Also living in Arequipa! This explanation of beef cuts VERY helpful. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for your comment I am not active in this blog anymore. I currently live in Hawaii a whole new frontier.
